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The practice of Qi Gong benefits the physical and mental energies, another benefit is to be able to transform negative or stressful emotional energy to a state of calmness and relaxation. We at times are uncertain what to do with some emotions such as, anger, rage, fear or insecurity. When we become aware of them […]

Qi Gong, Emotions as energy and RAIN

April 23, 2024

To be your own healer takes courage. To look, see and sit with the deep waves of aches and vulnerabilities. The courage to sit and watch this energy shift as you embrace it with comfort, and curiosity. As you ask the pain or discomfort what it needs? Of course you can have someone there to […]

Being Your Own Healer

April 7, 2024

Breathing being the key source and commander of Qi “Life force energy”. It is one of the things we can consciously control if we bring awareness to it. Breath can be a bridge between the mind and body, as you begin to work with the breath and awareness you can learn to destress and cultivate […]

The Breath and Qi Gong

March 3, 2024

Hi to whoever is reading this, welcome! I’ve spent a lot of my energy quite confused and judging myself on what to write for my first blog entry.  I wanted to say something very profound.  This wasn’t working, just making me more frustrated lol.  Instead I decided to write about just me and my journeys.  […]

Bobcat Totem and Wisdom

November 24, 2022